Emily Stark
Department of MathematicsWesleyan University
Assistant Professor
E-mail: estark at wesleyan.edu
Office: Exley Science Center
Department of Mathematics
Wesleyan University
265 Church Street
Middletown, CT 06459
United States
My Ph.D. adviser was Genevieve Walsh.
Graphically discrete groups and rigidity.
(with Alex Margolis, Sam Shepherd, Daniel Woodhouse.) Submitted.
Failure of quasi-isometric rigidity for infinite-ended groups.
(with Nir Lazarovich.) To appear, Contemporary Mathematics.
Coarse Alexander duality for pairs and applications.
(with Christopher Hruska, Hung Cong Tran.) To appear, Algebraic and Geometric Topology.
Free products from spinning and rotating families.
(with M. Bestvina, R. Dickmann, G. Domat, S. Kwak, P. Patel.) L'Enseignement Mathematique. 69 (2023), no.3-4, 235-260.
Planar lattice subsets with minimal vertex boundary.
(with Radhika Gupta, Ivan Levcovitz, Alex Margolis.) Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. 28 (2021). no 3, 1-32.
Surprising circles in Morse boundaries of right-angled Coxeter groups.
(with M. Graeber, A. Karrer, N. Lazarovich.) Topology and its Applications. 294 (2021) No. 107645.
Action rigidity for free products of hyperbolic manifold groups.
(with Daniel Woodhouse.) Annales de l'Institut Fourier. 72 (2024), no. 2, 503-544.
Cannon--Thurston maps for CAT(0) groups with isolated flats.
(with B. Beeker, M. Cordes, G. Gardam, R. Gupta.) Mathematische Annalen. 384 (2022), no.1-2, 963-987.
Hyperbolic groups that are not commensurably coHopfian.
(with Daniel Woodhouse.)
International Mathematics Research Notices. no 1. (2021) 582-598.
Nonplanar graphs in boundaries of CAT(0) groups.
(with Kevin Schreve.)
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics. 14 (2020) no. 4, 1205-1221.
The visual boundary of hyperbolic free-by-cyclic groups.
(with Yael Algom-Kfir and Arnaud Hilion.)
Israel Journal of Mathematics. 224 (2021) no. 2, 501-538.
Quasi-isometric groups with no common model geometry.
(with Daniel Woodhouse.)
Journal of the London Mathematical Society. (2) 99 (2019), 853–871.
Detecting a subclass of torsion-generated groups.
Algebraic and Geometric Topology. 18-7 (2018) 4037-4068.
Surface group amalgams that (don't) act on 3-manifolds.
(with Christopher Hruska, Hung Cong Tran.)
American Journal of Mathematics. 142(3):885–921, (2020).
Topological rigidity fails for quotients of the Davis complex.
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. 146 (2018), no.12, 5357-5366.
Commensurability for certain right-angled Coxeter groups and geometric amalgams of free groups.
(with Pallavi Dani and Anne Thomas.)
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics. 12 (2018) 1273-1341.
Abstract commensurability and quasi-isometric classification of hyperbolic surface group amalgams.
Geometriae Dedicata. (2017) 186(1), 39-74.
Intrinsically linked graphs in RP^3.
(with J. Federman, J. Foisy, and K. McNamara.)
Involve Journal of Mathematics. (2017) Vol.10-1, 1-20.
Intrinsically linked graphs in projective space. (with J. Bustamante, J. Federman, J. Foisy, K. Kozai, K. Matthews, K. McNamara, and K. Trickey.) Algebraic and Geometric Topology. Vol. 9 (2009) 1255-1274. (arXiv)
My research is partially supported by NSF grant DMS-2204339.
The visual boundary of hyperbolic free-by-cyclic groups.
  CIRM - Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques; Luminy, France. February 2018.
Commensurability classification of certain right-angled Coxeter groups and surface amalgams.
  Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences; Cambridge, England. January 2017.
Teaching and Activities
    Math 525: Graduate Topology II - Low-dimensional geometries (Fall 2024)
    Math 228: Discrete Math (Fall 2024)
    Math 223: Linear Algebra (Spring 2025)
    Math 122: Calculus II (Spring 2025)
Riverside Workshop in Geometric Group Theory. I gave a mini-course on visual metrics on boundaries of hyperbolic spaces. Notes are forthcoming. May 3-6, 2024. Groups, Actions, and Geometries Conference, a week-long conference with mini-courses and research talks held at Tufts University, August 7-11, 2023. Summer Projects in Mathematics, a program held at the Technion for undergraduates to experience research-level mathematics. I co-led a group in geometric group theory in 2018. Summer@ICERM, a research experience for undergraduates at Brown University. I mentored projects in Summer 2015 on applied topology and dynamics. The Math Circle, a program for young students to work on problems in pure math. I instructed eight ten-week Boston-area Math Circle classes 2012-2015.